The analog-alert example reads an analog sensor, converts the read value to float and depending on a threshold value, lights an LED. The purpose of this sample is to show how to use an analog sensor using the KNoT Zephyr SDK.
The demo assumes that an analog output is connected to the 0.31 pin. Make sure to use VDD OUT as the positive reference and GND as the negative reference.
This sample can be built for your board in two different ways.
Using the KNoT Zephyr SDK installed on your machine:
Follow the steps described on KNoT CLI compile section.
Using the KNoT Docker:
Follow the steps described on KNoT Docker compile section.
For specific board flash instructions please check on Supported Boards section.
This sample can be flashed to a board as follows:
Using the KNoT Zephyr SDK on your machine:
Follow the steps described on KNoT CLI flash section.
Using the KNoT Docker:
Follow the steps described on KNoT Docker flash section.
After flashing, use the Android KNoT Setup App for configuring the Gateway credentials on your thing.